Efosa Uwubamwen

Efosa is represented by IMG Models. To see his book click here.

Efosa is represented by IMG Models. To see his book click here.

I grew up in Manchester, and I started modelling mid way through medical school. At the moment I’m working full time at an NHS hospital in South London and working on creative projects.

When did you start modelling?

Late 2014/early 2015

How did you get scouted?

I was scouted in some nightclub photos on Facebook while at uni - someone who used to model offered to introduce me to her old agency, and the rest is history.

Who are the models you aspire(d) to?

When I was younger I would say I was inspired by models like Tyson Beckford. It meant a lot to see a black model representing global brands, and let me know it was actually possible.

What would be your dream modelling job?

I’m just waiting on my fragrance campaign. Manifesting it.

In an industry that is based on appearances, how do you handle negative comments and rejection?

It took a while initially, but learning not to take rejection personally, as it’s rarely about you - and negative comments are much more likely to be a reflection of how someone sees themself as opposed to how they see you. That’s a lot easier to do that when you’ve already asked yourself the difficult questions, and made peace with who you are, at least to some degree. It’s a process!

From your perspective, how do you think the fashion industry can improve?

I don’t think we can point at an industry that’s perfect, anywhere there are humans there’s imperfection. But I think improvement starts with respect - at all levels, from fair remuneration for those making the clothes, to making sure representation doesn’t cross the line into appropriation, to respect for the environment, like implementing waste reduction techniques. That being said, I’ve definitely noticed a positive paradigm shift in the new generation which seems to be becoming the new standard.

What’s your favourite project/shoot you’ve done so far?

There’ve been so many fun ones over the years, but one of my favourites is still the Google Pixel campaign we shot in San Francisco. We went up to Mount Tamalpais National Park and the view of the coast from up there is mind blowing - and having a great team is always a bonus. Shooting with Tim Walker and Alek Wek for W Magazine on my 25th birthday in NYC was pretty nuts too.

Tell us something we wouldn’t know by looking at your portfolio?

Almost anything about me! When you look at photos you’re looking at the vision of the brand, the creative/art director, the photographer. I’m mostly representing a brand or showcasing a product - I’d like to think there’s more to me than just how I look.

What’s your favourite feature? (Physical or character)

Probably my smile - growing up I was always a little shy of the gap in my front teeth but I learned to like and accept it as part of me.

What’s you motto in life.

- Do what you want because everybody gets one life, and at the end of they day you’ll only have yourself to blame if you don’t.

- Think for yourself.

- Life is easier when you’re nice to people.

You can follow Efosa on Instagram @efos


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