Louis Rifat

Louis is represented by IMG Models. To see his book click here.

Louis is represented by IMG Models. To see his book click here.

Hi my names Louis, I’m 21, and I’m currently studying in final year. I gave the guitar a crack at uni and found that it’s extremely enjoyable! So apart from being an aspirational rockstar, I enjoy reading and writing descriptively.

When did you start modelling? 

IMG signed me two years ago this month (December 2018).

How did you get scouted?

In Selfridges by a lovely lady called Leah Hibbert who’s my mother agent.

Who are the models you aspire(d) to?

I mean if you look at modelling as a form of performance, then for me the main ones are some of my favourite musicians/actors - Keith Richards, Matthew McConauhey, Helena Bonham Carter, Tom Hardy.

What would be your dream modelling job?

I’d love to shoot a western themed project, wearing a striking cowboy hat and boots, and holding a badass jet black electric guitar.

In an industry that is based on appearances, how do you handle negative comments and rejection?  

I don’t think anybody has the desired look for every job available, so reminding myself of that is like the default response haha. But mainly, if I feel I’ve been authentic in the casting process then that helps me take rejection for a job as lightly as possible. It can get frustrating when rejection gets repetitive but if you can hold your head up and say ‘at least I was authentic’, I find doing so very helpful for not getting overly attached to it and moving onward, with vigor!

From your perspective, how do you think the fashion industry can improve?

Huge question. One thing that came to my attention recently is the news about Uighur cotton pickers in parts of China seemingly being treated shockingly. Actors in the fashion industry could perhaps better label where materials are sourced, and so help consumers that want to avoid purchasing products made from this cotton do so.

What’s your favourite project/shoot you’ve done so far?

Two spring to mind. It was great to dress as an early 20th century soldier in the GQ style shoot, whilst it was also fun to wear loads of Stone Island clothes all day haha and work with great people there too.

Tell us something we wouldn’t know by looking at your portfolio?

I think I was a snow leopard in a past life.

What’s your favourite feature? (Physical or character)

I love being engulfed by great music - through rhythm and melody. I imagine it’s a glimpse into what it feels like to be truly zen?! Haha.

What’s your motto in life?

Life’s complex. Life throws us challenges. Because of this - though I love the deep mottos - the lighter ones are important too. So I’m going with one of David Brent’s (UK Office): ‘live fast, die old’.

You can follow Louis on Instagram @louisrifat


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